Massage Therapy Services
Massage Therapy Services
Massage therapy with Ada Boje, a Licensed Massage Therapist, is provided in a calm, safe and open environment to bring relief to your stress, aches and pains. Ada will pace your therapy according to your specific needs and comfort level.
Deep Tissue Massage
Trager Approach
Myofascial Release
Lymphatic Drainage
Muscle Energy Technique
1 Hour Session: $90
1.5 Hour Session: $135
These are just a few of the methods used. With years of experience and education, a range of methods have been blended to provide you with the optimum outcome for relief from pain, stiffness or stress. Continued studies will add further ways to integrate into the sessions for a customized approach.
Trager Approach - The Trager Approach is movement education also known as body/mind integration. Through the use of traction, compression, rocking and self-care movements, you can reach a deep level of relaxation, a sense of being grounded, yet you can experience the feeling of being light, expansive and fluid. The muscles will feel looser, you will feel more limber. The sense of well-being is heightened through this work. Old patterns that create tension in the body and mind can be shifted to produce new patterns of ease.
Myofascial release engages the myofascial tissues’ restricted barrier to slowly stretch that fascia with pressure and movement to release the restrictions. This method can also engage the tissues in a gentle stretch to allow fascia to unwind itself going through the path of least resistance.
Somassage is different than Swedish or deep tissue massage in that you participate in the session. I help you learn to feel into your body and have a felt sense of what your body is expressing. Somassage allows release of tension, increased flexibility, promotes relaxed energy, and recognizes the body’s felt sense.
Lymph drainage therapy is a gentle hands-on method enhancing the body’s immune system and calms the parasympathetic nervous system. Moving the stagnant fluid reduces swelling.
Muscle energy technique helps release the restrictions and tenderness in your body’s tissues and joints by having you use gentle isometric contractions to relax and lengthen muscles and restore normal joint motion.